The Lawn Rescue Squad (LRS) emerged out of the Australian Lawn Fanatics. The boys had been doing their own backyard renovations for years on both their own patch and helping out mates with their patches. When the southeast Queensland lawn fanatics (where the #auslf was born) started sharing pictures and renovation tips with each other the requests for the lads to do renovations for others became so strong that they decided they better do it properly, so the Lawn Rescue Squad was created. Over the last few years, the list of services, and size of the equipment has grown but the LRS has stayed true to the same game plan. To help you “achieve your lawn goals”.
The LRS is not just 2 guys, we draw on the skills and knowledge of many professionals in the turf industry. From turf research scientists to agronomists, greenkeepers to groundsman and sports turf managers. That’s a huge amount of experience and knowledge that others just can’t match.
The LRS isn’t just a dethatch and aeration service, we offer everything to help you dominate your street. From scarifying and top dressing, to soil testing and interpretation, lawn pest control,
Services Offered
Top Dressing
Soil Amendments
Soil Testing
Test Interpretation
Fertiliser & Maintenance Programs
Lawn Pest Management & Prevention
Lawn Disease Treatments
Weed Eradication
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